Purpose: gathering credit reference data and quality control; flexible creation and management of credit reports; automated generation of bureau scores; credit accounts monitoring.

Organizations need Bureau Nucleus because knowing more about prospects for commercial loans and borrowers will help them:

  • make more confident decisions;
  • set conditions that optimize profitability while minimizing risk;
  • identify fraudsters as early as possible;
  • automate portfolio monitoring and reporting.

Concept and Key tasks:

Provide most accurate credit reference information.
Enhance your revenues with value-added services.

Scorto™ Bureau Nucleus offers credit reference services and other functions and services associated with credit bureaus.

Data Quality Guard: automatic data validation and cross-checks during the data load process to ensure consistency across the database.

Fuzzy Identifier: allows the bureau to correctly indentify customers using the latest technologies such as fuzzy logic (which can be used for fuzzy customer name comparisons), as well as multi-field comparisons to identify customers in countries without standard identification systems.

Credit Scoring Engine: automated generation of bureau scores with classical scorecards, neural network models, decision tree models, and expert models.

Visual Business Rules Engine: easy-to-use visual tool to build credit application processing rules; supporting different strategies for different credit institutions and different credit products granting bureau’s attractive financial opportunities through value added services.

Fraud Barrier: A versatile fraud prevention engine with automatic black list checks, fraud prevention rules, fraud detection scoring, visually customizable validation rules and more.

Portfolio Supervisor: process your sub-portfolios with credit risk calculations, risk checks, credit account monitoring verifications and generate aggregated portfolio-level reports using OLAP technology.

Scorto™ Bureau Nucleus provides organizations with:

  • Data Quality Guard: Automatic data validation and cross-checks during the data load process to ensure consistency across the database.
  • Complete and up-to-date credit information: The credit information is based on the updates received from different sources such as Banks, Financial Institutions, State Financial Corporations, Non-Banking Financial Companies, Housing Finance Companies and Credit Card Companies.
  • Consumer Credit Reports: Consumer Credit Reports deliver consumer credit data and predictive scores to support more profitable decisions, help mitigate default risk and maximize growth opportunities.
  • Credit Scoring Engine: Automated generation of bureau scores with classical scorecards, neural network models, decision tree models, and expert models.
  • Business Credit Reports: Knowing more about your prospects for commercial loans and borrowers will help you make more confident decisions and set terms that optimize profitability while minimizing risk.
  • Dispute resolution for borrowers: It is important that the information on Credit Information Report is accurate and updated. The dispute resolution section allows individuals and companies to dispute any information contained in their report which they deem inaccurate or false.
  • Alert: This section gives subscribers to be automatically notified of any event that occurs on their account or profile. This could include successful data uploads, errors, changes in a borrowers profile, and other types of events



Product brochure:
Scorto Bureau Nucleus. Credit Bureau Core System. Download

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