Scorto is the leading decision analytics and decision management provider with proven track records of more than 10 years and hundreds of deployments across 5 continents.

Scorto decision management platform empowers companies to find the most efficient decisions automation paths based on their data and their expertise and optimize scoring models, business rules and operational decisions.

Most importantly, businesses can then immediately deploy designed decision flows on the industry’s most flexible decision automation platform without any additional programming.

With Scorto Decision Manager predictive models can be integrated with business rules and immediately deployed on the decision engine to be used as elements within the business process or a decision analytics flow. In spite of support of predictive models based on artificial neural networks, decision trees, self-organized maps and regression, no programming skills or IT staff involvement is needed. All is done in an easy and intuitive way.


Available as both:


a Cloud-based Service




On Premise Software Installation



License is Free for:


icon-charity-organizationsCharity organizations

icon-sustainable-bankingSustainable banking

icon-sustainable-projectsSustainable development projects

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